Installation Steps For Spark

Downloading  and Installation Steps for Spark:

Step 1 : Make sure whether  Java is installed Correctly:
Open Terminal and type.   
              java -version

If Java is already installed correctly on your system, you will  see the following output on your screen:
             Java version "1.8.0_71"
             Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_71-b13)
             Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.0-b02, mixed mode).

If java is not installed on your system, then install it.


        Ubuntu 14.04 :

- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa

- sudo apt-get update

- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

Ubuntu 16.04 :

- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

Step 2 : Make sure whether  Scala is installed in your system:

Installing Scala language is very necesssary before installing Spark as it is important for implementation. Following command will verify the version of Scala  in your system.

Scala language is used to implement Spark. So we need to verify the Scala installation by using the following command.
scala -version

If Scala application is already installed on your system correctly then , you will  get  the following output on the screen as :

Scala code runner version 2.11.6 — Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL

If you don’t have Scala, then install it.

Download the latest version of Scala from ( are currently using scala-2.11.6 version. After downloading, you will be able to find the Scala tar file in the download folder.

Follow the given steps to install Scala 

  • Extract the Scala tar file using following command
           tar xvf scala-2.11.6.tgz
  • Move Scala software files by using the following commands , to its respective directory (/usr/local/scala).
           mv scala-2.11.6 /usr/local/scala
  • Dont forget to set path in Environment.
    Set PATH for Scala using following command
           $ export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/scala/bin
    or you can also add path in  ~/.bashrc file by using the following command.
    open  in terminal and type sudo vim ~/.bashrc
    and paste the path and don't forget to source it by running . .bashrc (or) source ~/.bashrc
It is very important to verify the installation of Scala once again.
     $ scala -version
You have now successfully Installed scala if you see the scala version in your screen.

Step 3 : Downloading Apache Spark:
After finishing with the installation of Java and Scala successfully on your system then, Download the latest version of Spark by visiting following site (

After Downloading you can find a Spark tar file in the download folder.
Follow the below steps given below  correctly for installing  Apache Spark.

Extracting Spark tar file using following command

       tar xvf spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

Move Spark  files by using the following commands , to its respective directory (/usr/local/spark)
       mv spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7 /usr/local/spark

Configuration of Spark Environment.
Dont forget to set path in Environment.
   Set PATH for Spark using following command
       $ export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/spark/bin
   or you can also add path in  ~/.bashrc file by using the following command.
   open  in terminal and type sudo vim ~/.bashrc
   and paste the path and don't forget to source it by running . .bashrc (or) source ~/.bashrc
Step 4: Verify the Installation of Spark application on your  system:

By Running the Following command will open Spark shell.

         $ spark-shell 
If spark is installed successfully then you will be getting the following output.

Note: If your going to connect Spark and Hive,Then Don't Forget To Copy the
 'hive-site.xml' from hive conf directory to Spark conf Directory(/usr/local/spark/conf).

In Spark Add mysql jar file in PATH
 - /usr/local/spark/jars

This Command will show the connector jar path
ll /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar

Add the Mysql Jar File Path

cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar  /usr/local/spark/jars
 - cp
 - vim
# add the line

Have Fun!!!!

Please Leave your Comment Below If you Have Any Clarifications Regarding Installations or Any Suggestions.


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